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Billy Childish


The Drinker
by Billy Childish
Oil painting, c. 1996.

Description by Billy Childish of this painting specifically to accompany this release of the file:
"This is a painting influenced by my experience of twenty years of alcoholism and the novel, "The Drinker" by Hans Fallada.

Fallada has also been a big influence on my prose work, particularly the novel, "Sex Crimes of the Futcher."

[source : http://www.stuckism.com/GFDL/Childish.html]


Image credit:
Billy Childish, http://www.billychildish.com and http://www.l-13.org
Please link to the URLs stated. Copyright © Billy Childish. This file is released under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0. The moral right of the author is asserted. Apply for other permission or higher file size.


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